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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 52)
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers 0.8.5 Resurgence

it's dead... check the date - latest update is from 5 years ago

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Edain 4.7 Released!

Edit: my last comment was wrong, turns out the issue was caused by a Submod i was using - Edain Unchained (adds Harad as a separate faction)

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ [outdated] Edain Unchained 3.1 - Installer

so i just tested the mod... it's incredible! :) but there's 2 things i don't like about it... 1. No Haradrim Archers; 2. Too few structures to choose from, even less than Mordor; but all in all the addition of Harad is awesome, thx for the invested effort :)

P.S. the new Mumakil unit is awesome! both in looks and in function :) also, do you think it might be possible to add the Haradrim Archers? like in the vanilla BfMe2 Mordor faction?

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ [outdated] Edain Unchained 2.1.2 - Installer

i have Edain 4.7, the submod didn't work with all 3 installation methods... is it possible the submod is locked to only work with Edain 4.6.1?

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ YodenMod Legacy

the multiplayer is broken, people who join a lobby can't ready up and don't even see a circle for their ready status, me and several friends tried it several times with different hosts, couldn't start a game at all, and yes - we were the same factions for each team and have the same installations + the 4GB ram patch (tried without the patch first)

P.S. is this mod still being developed? i've already played a few maps and all of them had pathing bugs - places i should be able to walk through are blocked

Good karma+2 votes
Velrog - - 52 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

cordon to garbage crashes? never had that happen to me...

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Hunter at the Garbage, he sells every shotgun ammo - buck, slug and dart

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

new question... are artifacts supposed to spawn in anomaly clusters? or does the mod use the "SoC" system and they can spawn anywhere? cuz so far i've only gotten the 3 artifacts at the start - 2 in the cluster and the 3rd from the quest to find the stash in the village

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

overpowered... sounds kinda nice but if the beginning is any indicator, it's nowhere near what vanilla "CoP" offered :D sure hope i can get the hang of it tho, i haven't seen much yet but the atmosphere of the mod is way different from "CoP", and i'm very curious to see what they done with the extra zones :P i just hope curiosity doesn't kill the cat too many times in this example :D

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

yeah i get that part, but seriously... playing on Normal - 2 hits kill me; playing on Easy - 3 or 4 hits kill me :D it's like the devs used Tarkov as an inspiration - punish the player as much and as hard as you can, if they endure - they might improve :D

also... vanilla S.T.A.L.K.E.R. isn't that tough, i've already beaten "SoC" and "CoP", hardest part on "SoC" was the final approach to the power plant, hardest on "CoP" i'd say were the tunnels to pripyat

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

why's this mod so stupidly hard? i keep dying on Fanatic's intro quest-line... either the pigs kill me, i get rushed by cats or zombies, or i die in the anomaly... i've already died about 40-50 times...

Edit - +1 death count... radiation

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

Happy new year everyone! Wanted to ask (the Devs i mean), can we expect a 1.0 version soon or has the mod been discontinued? It's been over 2 years since 0.8 and i've had a good time on the mod aside from everything being a "placeholder" (no description on tech for example).

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Mount&Warcraft; Reborn

excuse me, but when you say the 1-st war... do you mean the 1-st invasion of the Legion when Sargeras tricked Elune? or the 1-st Orc invasion when Medivh (then Corrupted or whatever) opens the Dark Portal?

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Cirith Ungol

map looks good, but unstable (crashed 10mins in & lags if max zoomed out; no resource buildings to make; some buildings don't have a purpose (the Morgul Units structure - only Morgul Riders, no orcs); tested on Edain mod;

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Rohan v2.3 (Edain 4.6)

The map is fun, but also buggy & some details are a bit disappointing.

Helm's Deep - walking on top the gatehouse can get your units stuck if you use 'S' to stop them there;

The "hidden" door can get your heroes stuck (already had Haldir and Legolas get stuck there twice);

Not enough building plots (Helm's Deep player will have a challenge with resources);

The Ghalladrim can't get any upgrades (Battle Ready remains locked no matter what i do);

Map-pathfinding is acceptable, but needs serious fixing (units keep going places you haven't told them to - they see an enemy, but run back to the keep instead of fighting);

Helm's Deep player has "Glorious Theoden" ability, but no Theoden hero;

also the map makes my game crash sometimes.

I absolutely love the idea of an Open-World map, but you need to fix the bugs and rearrange some things. Like Helm's Deep - walls are so large i have to rotate the camera to use some buildings... and the Rohan pre-built barracks is hard to spot, can you move it a bit and make it easier to locate?

Good karma+2 votes
Velrog - - 52 comments @ BSGWC V.0.9.2

so this last upload is from over 2 years ago... does that mean the mod has been discontinued?

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

i need to ask - has the mod been dropped? cuz if it's still alive, you guys need to fix a few pretty mean bugs... the more important ones i've noticed are regarding the Borg and Klingon AI's - the Klingons act more as Borg than the Borg themselves... while the Borg seem to have a major pathing issue and often times they get stranded in system somewhere in dead space... eventually allowing them to even change position across the field... in this 1 match, me and 2 friends were fighting a Hard Borg, all was going according to plan until we noticed a something... it said there was a fleet on 1 of the planets we were scouting and preparing to assault, but the fleet was nowhere to be seen... then we saw it - the fleet was WAAAAAY out into dead space, about halfway across the game field... and the Klingon develop 3x faster than the Borg, are more aggressive than Borg, build faster than Borg... i don't know if that's a bug or a purposeful thing, but i find Borg AI much easier to kill than the Klingons... even if it takes a bit longer due to their stronger ships

Good karma0 votes
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Fall of Kobol

New Intel. I've had a successful 1v1 match, the AI worked, expanded, placed bounty on me. The AI was able to capture a total of 5 planets, not counting the capital. No crashes or problems occurred in the process. I did have a random crash on 1st loading a random 1v1 Small single-star map. My guess is the crash occurs randomly, it's not targeting larger maps, but there MIGHT be something else increasing the odds of the crash. Will keep looking and testing, hopefully i'll find something helpful. I just hope the mod isn't dead yet.

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Fall of Kobol

is this mod still being worked on? cuz i saw some flaws that make me think the devs have pulled the plug... 1. AI is inactive (if an AI has been coded in the 1st place); 2. Lots of crashes - bigger maps crash on loading, smaller crash if started immediately after a game; 3. There has been no work done on the minor factions from the DLC, some abilities tell me "must not be TEC"; 4. Main menu music is vanilla Sins; 5. No BSG intro; 6. 3 games already i start surrounded by planets requiring research, or not being colonizable in general; 7. I noticed some units use vanilla Sins voices & lines... So if anyone knows if the mod is still alive, do tell...

P.S. Mod is not working, even medium maps for 6 players crash. Until that's fixed i don't think the mod is playable. Cuz let's face it - nobody likes Sins for the 1v1's... we like it for the really, REALLY big wars...

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Sins of the Prophets Beta v0.90.2

hit & fall back? with ships being that slow? :D by the time they turn, they're usually dead... and oh yeah - the normal AI always outproduces me and i have no idea how to keep up

Good karma0 votes
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Sins of the Prophets Beta v0.90.2

ok, mod is amazing but i gotta ask, devs... have you ever bothered to play through it?? Covenant is INSANELY OP... i try again and again UNSC vs Covenant, result is always the same... they expand faster, build fleets WAY faster, and their ships are so strong, i lose 3 capital ships and 6 Halcyon refits to take down 1 of theirs... how does 1 even win that?

P.S. I'm sorry, i like the mod, but unless there's a secret i'm not aware of, it's unplayable... i JUST got demolished in 20mins... what's that ECO? and how can lvl 3 ships have 30k shields on top of 7k hull? is there a catch to beating this? or is it just to see how long you last (a.k.a Flood time)

Good karma0 votes
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Battlefront: Halation

So i gave it a quick read... 1 question - Flood? if not, i'm gonna wait.

Good karma+2 votes
Velrog - - 52 comments @ BSGWC V.0.9.2

Hey, has the mod been suspended? It's closing up to a year since the latest update and i've been itching to see changes.

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Republic at War Trailer 2 (Official)

Republic Commando music?? Really now???

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ BSGWC V.0.9.2

I'd be thankful for it... but it wouldn't be fair to everyone else... like... i can play the way i want, but others must abide by the way the mod is set... is there a way you can fix the whole thing instead? I know i'm probably asking a lot and you're not even getting paid to do it... but i thought it's only fair i ask :)

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ BSGWC V.0.9.2

sadly - no... when i leave it as it is, it works fine... if i change starting units - it breaks, if i change starting money - it breaks... cuz i like starting with the least possible amount of funds, otherwise it's not as fun for me...
P.S. Have you considered making a launcher client for the mod?

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ BSGWC V.0.9.2

What about AI? The current one is disturbingly weak... also it only plays with standard settings, if you change ANYTHING (heroes, starting units, starting money, etc.) the AI doesn't initiate. Can we expect a fix on that? Since playing with 20k starting money, isn't exactly balanced... in my opinion at least...

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ BSGWC V.0.9.2

Okay so... the mods looks a bit worse than the 0.8 versions... everything is incredibly smaller, collision animations (when missiles or salvos hit) looked better before, but what bothers me the most, is that in the update you said something about hardpoints, yet ever since i started playing the mod, i've seen 0 hardpoints anywhere... ship- or station-wise. Can someone explain if i'm doing something wrong with the installation? or is it just mod bug...

P.S. There is no launch file in the archives after 0.8.2, i had to redownload that one so i can get the Launch (.bat) file from it.

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Edain Mod

every map with Castle starting location, Rohan & Gondor included... haven't tried Imladris yet, but the fortress gates work so far - Helm's Deep and Rivendell. Haven't checked Minas Tirith. But whenever i play Rohan or Gondor on castle starting location the gates are always bugged... could you pls do something about it? otherwise the mod is about half-way broken in my opinion... since good factions are broken and have a significant DISADVANTAGE.

Good karma+1 vote
Velrog - - 52 comments @ Edain Mod

I wanna report a bug. Rohan closed gates don't work! The AI just goes straight through... Oh and... are there gonna be MORE factions added? Or are we just waiting for the Misty Mountains and that's it? I'd love to see Harad, Rhun and Umbar as their own factions, or even just combined into 1, since Mordor can't rly train haradrim, easterlings or mumakil anymore, only call for reinforcements through skills.

Good karma+2 votes