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I Hate Cheaters, Hackers, Glitchers, Laggers and Liars. Only through Peace, Honour, ethics and Morality will we shape the Earth.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 947)
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Some Q&A about AR Launcher

The MOD always Crashes (I suspect it's due to the inability to use the 4GB Patch) and as such, I can't play the Game using the MOD.

Additional Side Note:
I understand why you're using a MOD Launcher, but not all of us are willing to use some Program that we can't check the Code of manually. Since Security issues are on the up and up, I'd like to at least be able to confirm what Code is running what Tasks. I lost a System to Cyber Attack last Year, and not sure if I'll be able to recover its Data.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Red Alert: Armor Rush

So, the Game keeps crashing, and I'm not able to figure out why.

Not sure how to use the 4GB Patch properly in this particular case, and I'm not sure which Installation of Red Alert 3 the MOD is trying to use.

I'd like to Enjoy the MOD, but I can't get a Game to last long enough to even build a proper base.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ 20230327 235534 PASS210 Balao 53 Shoreside

The Image is just something I had close to hand, I had to put an Image on it.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Red Alert: Armor Rush

OK, I've Signed in Especially just for this.

Your MOD just flat doesn't work anymore.

I've tried using your Launcher, which has Terms and Conditions that are not even in English. Your Error Codes are not even in English either, so I don't know what's going wrong or why. Network Features are Imposed WITHOUT PERMISSION... Do I need to Continue?

The Game just doesn't load, period. Unknown Error is all I get.


So, should I consider your MOD a Write-Off now or what?
No Option to Load it without the Launcher, and the Game won't load with the Launcher.

Good karma+6 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Chinese Supply truck

I would like to see every Faction have the Option to use Land or Air Supply Units. From a Tactical perspective, sometimes it's better to stay off the ground, and other times it's more Tactically viable to stay out of the air.

Thus, will there be Land Options and Air Options for ALL Factions.
Currently, Russia appears to be the only one that can access both, assuming it has an Airfield to do so with.

Side Note:
I'm looking for a MOD that will allow me to use a Challenger II and Challenger III, will a British (or NATO) Faction be introduced separate to the USA Factions.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Zero Hour Continue

BUG Report, Missing Data from Command Centre (China NUKE General):

Behavior = ArmorUpgrade ModuleTag_26
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ChinaEMPMines

Just thought you should know.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Zero Hour Continue

I'm glad to have helped.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ American Atlas


Just saying, I'm glad somebody got around to making it, but the idea is parallel to a Sketch I put together a few years ago, LOL. I'm not complaining, I'm just pointing it out as a funny parallel, that you most likely had no idea about.

I never got around to making it for my own MOD, and I'm sure that the idea's been circling around for a while, LOL.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Epic Unit unlocks

You could add a MAD Tank anyway, just for the Funny of it.
In addition to whatever you have planned.

Good karma-2 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ C&C: Generals Zero Hour

I'd like to see some sort of Generals Zero Hour MOD with the following Factions:
> China
> Russia
> United States of America
In Addition to:
> Japanese Self Defence Force
> North Korea
> United Kingdom
> European Union (combining Germany, France, and everyone else)

So, this could be done by using the Base Factions Idea, and then using Sub-Faction Logic.
Thus leaving us with:
> Communist and Socialist Alliance (CSA)

Just a thought, but I'm really just looking for an excuse to use a Challenger II, LOL.
Having a Faction done up with Anime Textures would be VERY FUNNY though, hahahaha.

Good karma+2 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Contra 009 FINAL + All Patches

There a 4 Hotfixes now (Since this was Uploaded), I mean, it's getting a little confusing. Not to mention, the LAG in Downloads as my System tries to load 5 Sets of Adverts, LOL.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Contra X work in progress - News Update 4

Question about the Current Release:
Is there a 'Full' Version, where I can just do one single Download, and not worry about Hotfixes. Downloading Hotfixes can sometimes get a bit confusing, LOL.

Good karma+2 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Updates: Blaze of the Dragon Part 5

No taster available for us, even if it's just a broken release, it would be nice to play a different MOD on Generals Zero Hour for once.
Kind of getting a little bored of playing the Generals Continue MOD, LOL.

Good karma+2 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Continue V3.0

Playing AI's as the Airforce General, I have to use Sherman's to fend them off.
Got to say, the Rush Personality of the AI's is a bit annoying.
Arthritis goes into Over-Drive, LOL.

Hardly able to build an Airforce to be fair.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Zero Hour Continue

I had this issue too, I had to Edit the GameData.INI File myself.
On a 4K 50" Screen, you can't have the Command Centre taking up your Screen, LOL.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Zero Hour Continue

I did complete China Mission 8, but I forgot what the Mission was.
I will need reminding of what the Mission is.

> Starting Location (N / NE / E / SE / S / SW / W / NW)
> Starting Units
> Starting Sequence

If it's the Mission I think it is however, I think I can Guide you.

Starting Location: South West, move East to build a Base South East.
Starting Units: Overlord Tank (x2), Battle Master Tank, Artillery
Starting Sequence: Ambush, everything gets pelted by SCUD Launchers

Units to keep Alive:
Your Overlord Tanks are your Most Important, along with your Artillery Units. If you lose even one of the Overlord Tanks, you're done for. If you lose your Artillery Units, RESTART, as you've already Lost.

Destroy the Enemy Units, but keep the Base itself alive.
Build a Barracks.
Train a Single Red Guard (I know they come as a Pair).
Purchase the Capture Buildings Upgrade.
Capture the Supply Centre.
Capture the War Factory.
Train a single Worker from the Supply Centre.
Keep the Enemy Barracks Alive, but don't Capture it yet.

With the Worker, build a Palace (use it as a Base Defence).
NOTE: Using the Construction Dozer for this is Recommended, he'll need Repair it.
Place Tank Hunter Troops into it as soon as you can.
Place your Artillery Units behind the Palace so they don't get Targeted.
USE FORCE_FIRE MODE to hit the areas where the Enemy Units come in.
Overlord Tanks will be needed to pick off stragglers.

Build Market's, these will bring in 20 Cash per 'X' amount of Frames.
Build these right into the South Corner.
Build a China War Factory as soon as you can, and get one or two more Artillery.

Try to get a Nuke Launcher (General's Permission Required).
With a Nuke Launcher, things will become easier.
Use FORCE_FIRE again to pick off the Enemy Units as they flood in.

If you can, build a SCUD Super Weapon before they do.
It will also help to have some Air Units in the absence of two Launchers.
I used the Stealth MIG's.

Avoid building a Command Centre too soon.
Establish your foothold first.
Your Market's will be your main Income throughout.
This will mostly be an Air Battle later on.
Build loads of Super Weapons, and Turtle it.
Aircraft (use the Stealth MIG's) will defend you from Enemy SCUD Launchers.
Helix (with Bunker Upgrade) with Mortar Teams will be your best approach.

I used two Palaces to Defend my Base, both with x3 Tank Hunters and x2 Red Guard.
The Red Guard defended from incoming Infantry (Drones in German Version, LOL).
It took Trial and Error, and a lot of Saves (and Reloads), LOL.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Continue V3.01 Full Version

There may be a Problem with the China EMP Mines Upgrade for the China NUKE Command Centre.
It might just be me, but it's worth checking just in case.

Colliding Upgrade Prompt is what I get.
Usually the Prompt you get when you Purchase an Upgrade that Conflicts with another Upgrade.
Speaker Tower / Bunker / Gatling Cannon - Overlord Tank / Helix Helicopter

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ The End of Days

Will we see a United Kingdom or Japanese Self Defence Force Faction at any point in the Life Cycle of this MOD?

I'll admit, I'm just looking for a perfect excuse to run around with a Challenger Tank, LOL.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ European Defence Alliance Logo.

The European Union has had its time, it's time for it to pass on, and become something new, and more relevant.

Long Story Short, much like NATO, the EU is based on an older idea, and it's fulfilled its original objective. As such, it should now evolve into something new, and improve, instead of Stagnating on old Ideas that no longer apply properly in the modern world.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ The End Of Days Wallpaper

Just looking at the Logos, I'm assuming it's as follows (Left to Right):
European Union (EDA in your MOD)
Russian Federation
Middle Eastern Countries (GLA)

Now, I know there has been Brexit, so thus, EU and UK should be separate Factions, but I'd like to see the UK in the list.

United Kingdom Tech Tree would have to feature Units from the UK, such as the British MBT's, Challenger II and Challenger III. These are both favourites of mine, hahaha. Aircraft including the F-35 Lightning II and Tornado are a must have too. Seeing a return of the Harrier would be nice, but maybe not make much sense, LOL.

On that note, the Japanese Self Defence Force would be nice to see too, since then you wouldn't be leaving anybody out (from the Major Players).

Good karma+3 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Continue V3.01 Full Version

Idea to Balance the Game out.
USA Factions:
> ADD Unit - Kodiak Command Ship (CnC4TT Edition)
GLA Factions:
> ADD Unit - Dreadnought Airship (CnCTA Edition)

After that, the Game would be Balanced with the Kirov Airships.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Continue V3.01 Full Version

Also, something else I noticed, the Camera Height is very low.
I generally set it to 500 at 45 degrees so that the Screen isn't so 'In my Face' like the Default.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Generals Continue V3.01 Full Version

I'd like to request that more Ranks are added into the Game.

In short, every time I Update the MOD, I have to go through to process of adding the Additional Ranks myself, and I often lose track of where I at, and thus mess it up, LOL. While I'm only adding the new Rank Levels for personal use, it does get a little irritating trying Update every file to prevent the Game from crashing after I make the changes. Thus, it would be easier if the MOD was released with the extra Ranks already included.

Here's what I add to all MOD's of GenZH:

SkillPointsNeeded = 50000 ; Double the Value of Previous Rank, Rank 8
SkillPointsNeeded = 75000 ; Plus an Additional Half
SkillPointsNeeded = 100000 ; Double the Value of Rank 9

That's the overview of it anyway.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Armor Rush 3.310(ENG Ver)

Even with Anti-Aliasing OFF, the Game still crashed.
I hadn't even got around to placing any Weather Controlling Devices.

> 3 Soviets (AI - All 3 Factions)
> 2 Japanese (AI - Normal Faction)
> Me as Allies (FutureTech Faction)

Good karma0 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Armor Rush 3.310(ENG Ver)

Can we get a Version that doesn't Crash please.
I get the feeling that Additional Files are required.

I'm about to try to Play the Game with Anti-Aliasing turned off.
This MOD is trying to drain more Power than the Game will Allow.
I've got the Specs, just the Game is Limited, and thus won't use what's available.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Command & Conquer 5 Return of the Scrin (MOD)...

So, the issue is that the Licence got pulled.
Thus, I'm not actually any longer authorised to make any MOD's on the Platform.

As confusing as it is, it's just EA being EA.
They want to 'Hog' the Franchise, and won't let anyone else use it.
Since my Project actually made changes to Game Files, and thus required an Additional Installation, it's not so easy as just change the Name.

So, as a result, the Project has been Pulled in some capacity, though I've made a few Assets that were originally intended for usage on this Project, they'll just have to be used elsewhere.

Obviously, if EA decides to allow me to Publish the Project again in the Future, then I'll post what I've got at that time.

Good karma+2 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Small quick fix on graphics side on URP

Been a while, how are you?
I was just wondering, where can I get this?

The Site that you're hosting the Game from is not 'Trusted' (ISP Blocked) and thus I can't access its Purchase Pages. Even if I could, the Currency is in USD, and not GBP, so I'd have to pay a TAX on top of whatever the Price was.

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ GEN.ZOOL

You've got me confused with someone else.

Good karma+2 votes
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ New UK team and more

Are you going to Publish it to Steam or something?

Good karma+1 vote
GEN.ZOOL - - 947 comments @ Armor Rush 3.300(ENG Ver)

Try to avoid too many Units being on the Screen at once.

While using a 4GB Cap instead of 2GB is improving matters, it's still able to crash.

I advise some self-limitation of Units.
I crashed the Game with about 100 Mecha-Tengu's VS an onslaught of about 30-40 Imperial Carriers.

Using lower Specs might also help matters, since the Game is Power Hungry when using this MOD.

Good karma+1 vote