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I make Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Mods and I also have a really cool YouTube channel called Manda-LORE. I Like Star Wars (Old EU exclusivley), Love Lord of the Rings, and Warhammer 40,000 is pretty neat as well.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 5,830)
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Legends Mod: The Clone Wars

Yep, I just don't update here much. I do more updates on Youtube and my Youtube Channel's Discord

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ planets free release

Missing: W_planet_urban_L.dds

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Legends Mod: The Clone Wars

This mod does have a channel on the official Manda-LORE (my youtube channel) Discord server where I post updates more often. As for help, a good friend of mine whose developing the Galaxy Divided mod has offered to help out a bit and pool resoruces, I also jave another guy helping out who helps with other mods as well as developing his own FOTR submod.

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Steam & Steel v1.1

Early prussian infantry still look terrible. You had better models for them in previous iterations of this mod according to the discord. Probably time to put those back in

Good karma0 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Koniggratz 1866, 7. Red, White and Blue

Found the issue actually. Whatever model is being used for these lower tier prussians, is referencing the wrong texture file. theyre referencing prus_reg.texture when they should be referencing prus_rec.texture

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Lindon and Mordor building icons

Are physical building models for the battle map coming soon?

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Steam & Steel v1.01

Thank you!

Good karma+3 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Legends Mod: The Clone Wars

It seems I'm working by myself on this project again so its gonna be a while. No team disagreements, just life happening and people getting busy with other things.

Good karma+3 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Legends Mod: The Clone Wars

Yes, its from one of the free release model packs here on moddb. I cant recall exactly who made it off the top of my head but its credited in the mod's readme file

Good karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Legends Mod: The Clone Wars

...Have you read this mod's description?

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ =TMOD= Adi Gallia Model

Nice, I currently have her as a starfighter only hero in my mod. Now I ccan fix that.

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Steam & Steel: Total War

Any news on when a patch might release to fix the save-game crash issue everyone seems to be having? I'd really like to continue playing this mod. It seems like the most complete and polished Victorian era mod for any total war game out there right now from what I've gotten to play

Good karma+5 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ =TMOD= Saesee Tiin Model

Nice, one of the more under-rated Jedi

Good karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Legends Mod: The Clone Wars

In the articles and videos I explain that i have no modeling capabilities. I am incapable of this. I can do literally anything else but make and edit models. If you know any modelers that'd like to help me out, send them my way.

As for the dc-15 question, In the posted images, youll notice all clone squads have a mix of Dc-15A rifles and Dc-15s carbine wielding troopers.

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Orc Drivers

When theres a whip, theres a way!

Good karma+6 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Steam & Steel: Total War

I saw a couple of vanilla portraits, some text bugs as well. I noticed some factions had unit officers that didnt match their factions as well

Good karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Koniggratz 1866, 7. Red, White and Blue

Im thinking this is a texture bug on their caps. Theyre supposed to be blue with red trim matching the rest of the uniform.

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Koniggratz 1866, 1. Field of Battle

Will future updates have faction specific officer and general models? This guy looks more french than prussian in his uniform style

Good karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Steam & Steel: Total War

Cannot load any of my saved games past 1860 for any factions. Multiple texture bugs, some inconsistencies with units that break immersion. I will return to this mod when a more stable version is released.

Good karma+4 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Steam & Steel: Total War

Loving the mod so far! I will give a proper review when I have more than 2 hours of gameplay

Good karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Final demo

This looks a lot like my geonosis map from Clone Wars 4.0

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ anakin skywalker by warper243

Or if hes gonna do another anakin model, at least make an AOTC version

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Legends Mod: The Clone Wars

No public discord yet. I'm not really in need of voice actors at the moment with AI but at any rate, I'd need so see some examples of your work before I just bring you onboard.

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Hutt Karabos

It does say that, but never specifically states that any particular classes were "new" it just says "armed starships of Hutt design began to reappear on the space lanes".

It goes on to talk about the Batils gunship, Tarradas Frigate, and the Chelandions (this vessel featured in the video above), being used to aid the Confederation at Balmorra and Kuat. These classes could be older classes that they rebuilt more of after the Vong War, or of completely new design.

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ Hutt Karabos

The essential guide to warfare doesnt specifically state when the hutts actually constructed these but we don't really see them until the Second Galactic Civil War.

Good karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ TIE Fighter: Total Conversion (TFTC)

Ill go the discord route first, if I dont have to reinstall again, that'd be grand

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ TIE Fighter: Total Conversion (TFTC)

Yeah and thats fine but the problem im having is that, in flight, even though I set the aspect ratio to 16:9, it doesnt work, it is still the 4:3 aspect ratio. Like it almost seems dependant on the concourse screens for the aspect ratio no matter what i set the in flight aspect ratio to.

So I was wondering if I uninstalled and did a fresh install, if I change the resolution in UXWA on that step of the install process, do you think that may solve my problem?

Good karma+1 vote
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ TIE Fighter: Total Conversion (TFTC)

I'm having trouble with aspect ratios. The installation readme says to enable the default aspect ratio (4:3) when installing the prerequisite UXWA mod so I did that. However now I cant get the TFTC mod to work in anything other than 4:3. I went into the Babu Frik configurator and changed it to 16:9 but that did nothing. It only goes full screen if I enable "stretch menus and cutscenes to fit" but rather than making the game true 16:9, it just stretches the 4:3 aspect ratio to fit the screen which makes everything appear squished.

Should I uninstall and do a full reinstall (but this time install UXWA with 16:9 rather than default) or is there another fix for this?

Good karma+2 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments @ What's rocky and sounds like a bell?

Awwwe yeah, the Vong are comin'

Good karma+2 votes