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☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ G.A.M.M.A BaS no PiP patch

Wait, there's PiP scopes in Gamma? when was this added? My build is probably too old if I didn't notice that

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Chinese Type 220 "Warlord" Experimental Super Heavy Tank

Very nice, inspired by realistic designs, like a derivate of the Type 99, same for the upgrades. Great stuff :)

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ European Faction Acronym Public Poll

How about EUFOR?

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ EU faction announcement!

Amazing news!

Good karma+4 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ PLA Red Army

I cant breed

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Russia T-90M "Proriv" Main Battle Tank

And the balance of polygons and details is really nice. I'm sure this will look top notch in-game as it isn't overdetailed :)

Good karma+5 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Decreased Bush Hearing Distance

Interesting, thanks for info!

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Decreased Bush Hearing Distance

I'm curious, how does editing .ogg file change NPC hearing distance? Does it contain some sort of hearing radius information for AI? lol

Also to anyone wondering if this is compatible with Soundscape overhaul (I got prompted to overwrite in JSGME) - it is, they're the same sounds

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Trader Overhaul Complete 1.33 (1.51 & 1.52 Version)

Here's how to install it assuming you aren't using outfit addon:
1. Install the base mod by copying gamedata from: Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)/Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)
2. If you use Boomsticks and Sharpsticks, copy gamedata from: Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)/Optional files (Normal Version)/B&S Patch/(Normal).

If you want addons Trader Overhaul (HARD) or Traders Buy Damaged Stuff, then:
1. Install the base mod by copying gamedata from: Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)/Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)
2. Install addon Trader Overhaul (HARD) or Traders Buy Damaged Stuff by copying gamedata from: Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)/Optional files (Normal Version)/Trader Overhaul (HARD)
OR Traders Buy Damaged Stuff (depending on addon you chosen)
3. If you use Boomsticks and Sharpsticks, copy gamedata from: Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)/Optional files (Normal Version)/B&S Patch/Trader Overhaul (Buy Damaged Stuff) OR Trader Overhaul (HARD) (again, depending on addon you chosen)

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Ingame Comparison

3 alldayerryday

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ "Cinematic VFX" Particle Effects Addon (3.7)

Seems gun firing effects are missing, I didn't get the prompt that I will be overriding the files from the BaS like with all past versions in JSGME

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Basic_Icons 2.1 (OUTDATED)

Well, after searching for ui_icon_equipmnet in config folder I found it only in the defines.ltx - there is a comment that says the icons_texture string can point engine to custom texture for icon. Then I ran the search inside config folder and may have found the culprit:

it lead to all of the config files for weapons and stuff I am missing icons on weapon_addons.ltx, weapons_ammo.ltx, weapons_silencers.ltx, w_ak12.ltx, etc..
inside gamedata\configs\items\weapons

And the line of code is like this: icons_texture = ui\ui_icon_bas
I dont have a folder/file named ui_icon_bas anywhere in gamedata.

Edit: found the mod that caused problem: BAS JSRS SOUND MERGE. Issue was the new BaS patch from 19.03 changes the icon path it seems, and so did the sound merge, hence it being incompatible with pre-patch version of BaS. I am still on 4th march version of BaS, hence the blue icons.

Good karma+3 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Basic_Icons 2.1 (OUTDATED)

Im using:
BaS, Trade overhaul, JSRS and merges for BaS, THAP, Realism from surly*, Cinematic VFX*, Tacticool scopes for bas*, Stealth mod, groks craft and repair overhaul, absolute nature, food drugs and drinks animations.

I marked with asterisk the mods I tried disabling to check if they had any affect on how the .dds sprite decal is loaded into game engine. Not sure what files can tamper with how the game loads the icons.

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Basic_Icons 2.1 (OUTDATED)

Hi, I'm having strange issue with the BaS weapons and attachments being completely covered in blue:

Not sure what could possibly cause this.. I tried deactivating bunch of different addons that modify BaS files. also setting the ui_icon_equipment.dds file to read-only, and none of it helped. Hopefully you have some idea what could cause this?

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Is there a way I can have the 3D acog scopes like in vanilla anomaly? I'm not sure why the BaS uses the 2D one, it feels like a degradation imo.

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Agressor Reshade

I'm getting the exact same error with the latest version, crashes before reaching main menu.

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Do you plan on incorporating PiP scopes for all weapons? I know this is a big performance hit, but if you can make it toggle-able in options, or separate files for Pip scopes into optional addon folder it would work for most people I think.

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Awesome, thanks for the info.

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

When using this mod combined with hollywood fx, I noticed that, depending on which mod's particles.xr I use, I can either have BaS's effects like the heat blur while shooting, or hollywood fx's effects.
Will there be a compatibility patch for the particles.xr, to use effects from both mods?

Also, some guns have issues with tracers, I am using JSRS, so that is probably why. It looks exactly like in this video (slow-mo tracers) (starting @ 7:38) :

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ [1.1.1] Better Sound for Anomaly 1.5.1

Ok, I tried placing back the alsoft.ini and it works! Maybe it was the specific save that I was testing it on that was causing crash, really strange..

Anyways, thanks for sharing this addon/tool!
I'm running FiiO E10K and Superlux HD681 (Budget chi-fi setup) and definitely notice the improvement, the sounds of Anomalies are deeper (especially treble), and spatial sound seems better simulated. Probably more things sound better, I just don't have the ears for it hehe.

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ [1.1.1] Better Sound for Anomaly 1.5.1

Yeah, of course :D I have two addons that modify the sound in the game, but I don't think it could affect it in any way - JSRS and Propaganda back to the zone.

Just double checking, the only difference in alsoft-config settings, is the removal of the profile path in the HRTF tab?

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ [1.1.1] Better Sound for Anomaly 1.5.1

Hi, I have an error with the 1.1.0 update, caused by the alsoft.ini. This is from the log's stack trace if it helps:

[error]Arguments : LUA error: .../s.t.a.l.k.e.r. anomaly\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script:81: attempt to index local 'ini' (a nil value)

When I removed it, the game loaded fine.

Good karma+1 vote
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.1

Yes, they mentioned it in article:
"Optimized and cleaned up data files to reduce total size, mostly by removing unused assets"

Good karma+5 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ S-70 Okhotnik

Awesome as always! Damn, now that I think about it; this mod has been going strong for well over 12 years!!
Congrats on the consistency Alexei, very few mods have lived this long!

Good karma+7 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Zummwalt

It would be awesome to have a railgun upgrade for the ship, looking like the one from Transformers 2 movie

Good karma+2 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Current state of the CCP

Ah, so that's why he wanted to go to the moon ;)

PS: **** WHO and other globalist organisations.

Good karma+9 votes
☦BalkanB☢y☦ - - 1,249 comments @ Russian weapon forces

Love the idea here! All branches will have basic units, with option for better units of their branch!

Also eager to see MiG-35 :)

Good karma+1 vote