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Vagante is an action adventure platformer game featuring roguelike elements.


Latest deployment of our public alpha. This version attempts to improve the GUI experiences of the players both in single and multiplayer, as well as several other bug/crash fixes and additions.

Vagante Alpha Revision 7
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|--_--| - - 1 comments

Awesome how if you die you're not totally dead! :D so good - just getting more indie everytime, love this game! Facebook.com

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AndresZoek_LB - - 31 comments

the multiplayer mode works well?

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AndresZoek_LB - - 31 comments

i cant use the skills - the other inventory window was better

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AndresZoek_LB - - 31 comments

forget it, now i see the skills window and its great.

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Luke_512 - - 4 comments

How do you open the skill window?

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AndresZoek_LB - - 31 comments

pressing weapon change button with the inventory opened. srry the bad english

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xac90 - - 16 comments

Good Game

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DeZako - - 4 comments

Sweet, but I don't quite like the new menu. Maybe have that type of menu for multiplayer, where it does make sense, and give single player the old one? IMO, that'd be for the best.

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infectedfury - - 18 comments

Yea, single player should keep the old style menu, or something similar.

Also currently you also get less inventory slots because the stuff you equip isn’t moving on to a slot on the character, it just stays in the main inventory

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Müsta_Klaki - - 13 comments

I think either the AI for the bat enemies needs to be reworked, or you should get a swing as your default attack with Swords/Daggers. It's excruciatingly hard to hit them with a stab, even though they're supposed to be crappy little enemies at the start of the game.

New menu I don't like, at all.

And the random generation needs some limits. I don't think you should die in the first 2 minutes because a hard *** boss just spawned near the beginning.

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Guest - - 694,196 comments

That's what you're signing up for, it's a roguelike, I don't see the issue.

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K6L2 Author
K6L2 - - 85 comments

Yep. Once you play for a while, it becomes MUCH easier!

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AndresZoek_LB - - 31 comments

1. Bigger maps. Very bigger maps.
2. Keep the "worm" (im talking about the boss) in a specific room and when we reach that room, it appears.
3. When a carnivorous plant eat us, we cant escape (i tried pressing each button). Maybe make it hold you 3 seconds and no more.
4. The shopkeeper still attacking us when other monster attacks him. Thats not nice.
5. ¿Could the falling stones not kill in the air? they should kill just when we're on the floor and it's falling above us.

Bugs (Alpha 7)
1. Im not sure if this is a bug or is intentional but sometimes is spawned a closed space with a chest in it. Its possible get it using a bomb.
2. Sometimes in the forest the "exit door" appears in one of the "floating islands" at top of the map. isnt impossible to reach there but using something like double jump boots, if we don't have them we can't get out.

Again, sorry for the bad english.

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Luksie - - 4 comments

2) he appears when you kill three tiny worms, so you still can control when and how he spawns, more or less. Why change? :(
3) if you press the attack button you will attack it for 1 damage until it dies. Also, blink and teleport scrolls can help you get away.

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CurioJoe - - 2 comments

The inventory/Skills and magic list can be a tad taller, I can no longer switch through weapons, weapons should have there own slots.

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AndresZoek_LB - - 31 comments

God, the f*cking carnivorous plant man! i've 150 hp and that f*cking plant eats me (im not sure if thats well written)and im pressing each f*cking button and that f*cking pland doesnt let me out. And is f*cking faster than other monsters.

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BunnyMind - - 5 comments

The new inventory and menu is just awful. I originally wrote that it's a step backwards from the previous version, but it's really more like a running leap.

With no dedicated equipment slots, you run out of inventory space incredibly fast, which is only made worse by having four less equipment slots than the previous version.
The functionality for equipping and swapping between multiple weapons is just gone for some reason, and since the game no longer pauses when you open your inventory as well as the inventory being tiny due to the reasons mentioned above, you effectively can no longer carry and use different weapons for different enemies and situations.

The black and white checkerboard look of the menu itself just screams placeholder to me. It's very ugly compared to what was in the game before on top of being shoved into the corner which makes it annoying to have to look at.
It's not immediately apparent how to get to the affinities screen; if I were a new player, I wouldn't even know that it existed. You can no longer read the descriptions for affinites further down the tree—which plays a big role in where to put your points—or read the descriptions of affinites previously obtained. Finally, I had no idea what resistances those tiny, black, 5x5 icons were trying to convey at first; again, if I were a new player I would not have been able to figure it out.

As for the knight, I don't think sword beams were useful enough to have justified making them only a chance of firing and I definitely don't like that the very useful Bulwark and the very useless Aspect of Rock had their positions changed on the defense tree. Knockback isn't that big of a deal in any situation and comes mostly from enemies actually pushing you anyway.
I like the new affinity that gives guaranteed crits on dashing attacks, but I haven't played enough to form much of an opinion on the other new knight affinities, though given the other changes, I don't really want to.

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infectedfury - - 18 comments

well said, just about all of this is what I had a problem with as well

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K6L2 Author
K6L2 - - 85 comments

The reason that it "screams placeholder" to you is because it is an ALPHA game! EVERYTHING is placeholder, and is subject to change drastically. We appreciate the feedback, and we are iterating to change things in favor of a better gameplay experience based on said feedback.

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BunnyMind - - 5 comments

By placeholder I don't mean "subject to change later", I mean "we whipped this up in five minutes because it's not important right now, but we still needed to have a graphic for it".
That would normally be fine for an alpha build, but when it's actually replacing something that looks like it could be a finished graphic it's not such a good thing.

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infectedfury - - 18 comments

As a lot of others have said the new menu system is more of a bother than helpful. BunnyMind sums it up nicely.

The new chaos Scroll can be fun. learned the hard way to not test it next to the shop.

- Fairy cage and chests can spawn in spikes. If a fairy cage spawns on spikes the cage is broken straight away.

- Rooms that are not connected to any other can be generated, sometimes a single block room with a chest can be generated.

- Dragon slamming water can flood the entire level (cant not use shop when swimming)

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K6L2 Author
K6L2 - - 85 comments

The room generation thing isn't a bug.. But thanks for your continued informative playtesting reports!

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infectedfury - - 18 comments

Cool, I was starting to think that after I seen a few of them.
Chests in rooms like that should have better slightly items in them.
ie. always have an extra stat.

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jeffyo07 - - 2 comments

In alpha 6 (just saw 7 came out), the game crashes in the forest levels. This has happened twice, each time being the farthest I've gotten. It was probably something around forest 5. I don't know if it's intentional or not as there is not an end to the game, but it's super annoying having put in an hour with no ability to continue where I left off. I have it on video too, both times.

As far as the plants go guys, if you equip poison resist, they will do no damage. I think it's +3 poison resist. Then they eat you, (you still can't get out) unless you have a spell like lightning to kill them from the inside. Swinging the sword, jumping, button mashing, does nothing.

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K6L2 Author
K6L2 - - 85 comments

If you disarm yourself, you can punch your way out of the plants from the inside. Also, we've gotten a lot of the crashes people have been having ironed out already. Next revision will be much more stable (hopefully)!

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Guest - - 694,196 comments

My only issue with the game so far (aside from other things being fleshed out such as the UI) is that the game could look a lot more gorgeous (seriously though, look at that gif on the kickstarter page/ the intro of the game, the one with the merchant) but instead seems mostly limited to dark and generic cave dungeons, and that's an incredible letdown after seeing such nice art and animation. Would it be possible to make different kinds of dungeons? Things like forests, mountains, frozen lands, etc. Just an idea, thanks for the hard work :)

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K6L2 Author
K6L2 - - 85 comments

If you get far enough, you will actually leave the caves and enter an enchanted forest full of even more things to kill you! Also yes, more areas are planned for development.

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Taifune - - 13 comments

I would highly recommend it if I cold open my inventory in the stage between each dungeon

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K6L2 Author
K6L2 - - 85 comments

You can already do this.

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Taifune - - 13 comments

I tried it in the Alpha 7 and it didn't worked. i know that it was possible in previous versions.

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Taifune - - 13 comments

ok, i got it. you can't open it if you didn't entered the first dungeon yet. but you can avter the first one.

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Guest - - 694,196 comments

So I found a really freaky glitch. The bandit boss, the one with the axe, jumped into a spot with water in it. After I hit him with lightning the entire level flooded with water. Don't know how it happened but it did.

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gamephreak13 - - 1 comments

Here's the log for that game.
11/09/2014 12:05:45,835 INFO [default] Starting seed: 10208
11/09/2014 12:05:45,843 INFO [default] Deleting a player, entity id: 3
11/09/2014 12:05:48,170 INFO [default] LEVEL.GENERATION.ACT.0.FLOOR.0
11/09/2014 12:05:48,170 INFO [default] ---
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Main path...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Side rooms...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Shop room(s)...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Treasure room(s)...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: RoomDatabase randomization...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Initializing rooms...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Node cleanup...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Generating collision flags...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,200 INFO [default] Gen: Generating display indices...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] Gen: Enemies...
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] Adding boss..
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] Boss spawned! BossGoblin
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] Found 9 treasure locations
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] Spawned Fairy on level 0.
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] Removed 1 treasure locations
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] Created 0 mimics!
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] ---
11/09/2014 12:05:48,210 INFO [default] LEVEL.GENERATION.END
11/09/2014 12:06:33,732 INFO [default] Player::step - incomplete cast.
11/09/2014 12:06:33,732 DEBUG [default] Player::useSkill - castStrength=0
11/09/2014 12:06:33,732 INFO [default] Failed to cast lightning
11/09/2014 12:07:57,014 INFO [default] ---------
11/09/2014 12:07:57,014 INFO [default] GAME OVER
11/09/2014 12:07:57,014 INFO [default] ---------
11/09/2014 12:07:57,014 INFO [default] Floor: 0
11/09/2014 12:07:57,014 INFO [default] Player 1 died to a mysterious force

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